
  • Abroad,  Chambersburg,  College Park,  Emily and Scott,  Friends and Family,  Laura and Jason,  Maryland,  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Ted and Becky,  Woburn

    A Wedding, Our Nation, and The Frog

    Our good friend Scott Howard and Emily Lovejoy were married on Saturday the Twenty First of February at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Woburn, Massachusetts. Scott had just come to serve at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer when he and Emily met (she drove Scott to the pot-luck dinner held to welcome him to the church). Ever conscious of propriety, Scott attempted to conceal his attraction to Emily from Emily and the congregation for months (after-all, he is a priest and she was a member of the congregation). Of course, Emily, being the perfect match for Scott (and a member of his evaluation committee), attempted to conceal…