

My dad is having back surgery in Florida.  I drove to Houston, stopping at Dorie’s for a visit and some lunch.  We had a great time.  After a quick trip around the beltway, I made it to Hobby airport, which, by the way, has entirely too few signs.  From the parking lot to the terminal there was exactly one sign pointing the way, and it points the wrong way!  After finding the terminal, I flew from Houston Hobby to Tampa.

We got up early this morning and went to the Laser Spine Institute for dad’s procedure.  Our hotel is only a short walk from the institute, and we walked over.  Once he was checked in I came back over to the hotel to wait.  After just a couple of hours I went back to pick him up.  After resting up at the hotel we got some lunch, and picked up some groceries.

Back at the hotel we watched Wall-E.  Ross has been bugging me forever about not having seen it yet.  Of course, I have no real defense for that…  except that now I have watched it, and I really loved it.  Dad laughed really hard through the whole thing.

I will be here until Friday morning.  Dad has physical therapy tomorrow, and another procedure on Thursday.



  • Debra

    It sounds like the procedure went really well if he could laugh at the movie and not have that hurt and such.

    We watched Wall-E maybe a month ago. I did not like it overall. I mean, I loved the character Wall-E but I felt overwhelmed by the darkness of the entire first part. Then I felt like I was being beaten over the head about not being a couch potato. Rachel liked it more than me. I would probably give it 3 (of 5) stars but rank it near the bottom of my ever-changing Pixar favorite list: Monsters Inc, Cars (with a bullet), Toy Story II, Toy Story I, Finding Nemo, Incredibles, Wall-E, haven’t seen Bugs Life.

  • LisaDiane

    Monsters Inc. is my favorite, too! Bug’s life is a close second. I still haven’t seen Cars, but it is next on my list.