Sujata and Aaron
Sujata and Aaron hosted their inaugural Diwali party this week at their beautiful home in south Austin. Diwali is a Dharmic religious festival that typically takes place in October or November and symbolizes the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance”. The celebration includes home cleansing and decoration, fireworks, gifts, and partaking in a feast and mithai sweets. The kids made rangolis (pattern art made with colored sand) on the back porch, decorated little saaki lamps, and decorated themselves with temporary tattoos. Sujata gifted us a Masala Dabba spice box – she told me that her family tradition is for guests to return each…
Waterlogged afternoon
Sujata and Aaron invited us over to meet Elias Aaron Camp, the newest member of their family on Sunday. We took BBQ and went over for the afternoon. We played with Satchel and held Elias. We took a dip in the totally awesome salt water swimming pool. As we were getting out of the pool, the weather went from lovely to quite threatening, with loud thundering. The party moved inside, where we ate dinner, talked, and watched Thomas the Train. By the time we left, the sky had opened up and was pouring rain. Joey got us home safely and pretty quickly given the weather. I am really looking forward…
Trip to Austin and visit with friends
While I was in North Carolina I had a bit of a scratchy throat, and some allergy type symptoms. Nothing too terrible. Then I got on a plane and flew home. While I am glad to be home, the airplane air, and the pressure that flying put on my ears pushed me over into really congested and uncomfortable! I landed back in Austin later than expected due to a delayed flight out of Raleigh-Durham airport this morning. The flight delay was due to “crew rest”. Sujata commented on that, “crew rest = hangover”. In any case, the flight took off late enough that I missed my connection in Dallas, and…
Chuy’s and a Pub Quiz
Joey and I had a big social afternoon and evening. We started off joining Rachel, Debra, Asher, and Chiara at Chuy’s for a dinner and a lovely visit. Asher was wearing the shirt I brought him from Japan, and Chiara was wearing a hat that I made for her. I felt very special! Joey, however, was the favored guest because he gave Chiara a new copy of They Might Be Giants Here Come the ABCs. Years ago we took a copy of the original DVD so that we had a copy for the kids to watch at our house. The original had since gotten lost, and Joey made a copy…
Looking after Boston and Lola
Aaron and Sujata had to go to San Antonio for several days, and they asked us to look after their two dogs Boston and Lola (she was a show girl). Boston is a basset/springer spaniel mix, about four years old. Lola is a basset/rottweiler mix, about eight months old. They are both very cute! I love it when they sit or stand facing you, their paws look like they are in ballet first position. Lola, Elanor and Boston have been having a great time wrestling and playing in the backyard. Four dogs all at once is a bit of chaos, and feeding time is quite a circus, but we happy…
Changes at the House on Hornsby Street
Several people have given Joey and me grief over the years about our lack of furniture. Joey is not fond of stop gap measures, even when the “gap” is five years (amount of time we have owned our house) or eleven years (amount of time we have been married), so we still have the same furniture today we inherited when my folks moved to Pennsylvania! We know what kind of furniture we would like to purchase, but somehow it is never the top priority. Sujata and Aaron have decided that Joey is morally opposed to coffee tables. I do not think he hates them, but he does not have a…
Aaron and Sujata’s New House
Aaron and Sujata just bought a new house. It is in Onion Creek, on the golf course. Actually, the golf course wraps around their house. Joey had gone over and looked at the house while Aaron and Sujata were still shopping, and he helped them move on Saturday, but I had not seen it yet. We were invited over for dinner, and to tour the house this past Sunday. The house has very high ceilings and so many windows! All the houses on their street are quite close together, but the windows are arranged to ensure privacy. The living room and kitchen/dining areas wrap around and open out onto a great…
Thanksgiving Day
Joey and I realized about a month ago that we were completely foot loose and fancy free this Thanksgiving. For the first time since we have been married, we were not hosting Thanksgiving, and we were not traveling somewhere for Thanksgiving. Although we were stunned at this turn of events, we were very pleased about the situation! Aaron and Sujata invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner at their house. We were more than happy to accept the invite. Joey went over to help them set up on Wednesday. He even assembled one of the many pies. It turns out that Aaron and Sujata were not hosting an ordinary Thanksgiving dinner…
Aaron and Sujata’s Wedding, Austin, Texas – February 2008
I am very pleased to announce that Sujata Prabhu and Aaron Camp were married on Saturday the sixteenth of February, 2008. LisaDiane served as Matron of Honor and I served as Best Man. The Bachelor-Bachelorette party was at Cafe Castronova Thursday night and we mingled with their new extended family at a pre-wedding open house in Lakeway on Friday. We spent the day Saturday at their fabulous wedding celebration at Arbor Point in Round Rock.
Our Anniversary – July 2007
On July 4th LisaDiane and I had some friends over for a party to celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary. We played games, grilled burgers and hot dogs, made ice cream and mojitos, danced, and socialized well into the night. We had a terrific time – it was a pleasure to spend time with everyone who came, and food hit the spot. I have finally finished eating the chocolate torte that Billy and Lee brought to the party – gotta remember to return that cake-taker.
Lata’s Sushi Party – April 2006
On the last evening of our week off, LisaDiane and I joined Aaron and Sujata to celebrate Lata’s birthday with a sushi party. Aaron cooked about 5 pounds of rice and we took turns rolling our favorite rolls and sharing them at the table. Aaron and Sujata had done a terrific job of shopping for ingredients – they selected a very nice sake, toro, ebi, and a fabulous squid salad which we enjoyed while we worked.
LisaDiane’s 30th Birthday – September 2005
I decided turning 30 would be no problem if I got to have a big party! I even got a fancy party dress for the occasion. Lots of food, and a great cake made it even better. Things got really crazy when I opened my presents to discover that my idle comment about wearing a Wonder Woman costume at the party had been exploited. Mom and Dad sent the costume, and everyone else had fun convincing me to wear it. Thank goodness for pictures, which will preserve the memory forever! We topped it all off with a water balloon fight, and a piñata.
Christmas Morning 2004 and New Years Day 2005
LisaDiane and I enjoyed our Christmas holiday with Troy, Kay, Mama, and Papa altogetheredge here in Austin. A week later LisaDiane and I held our annual New Years Day party. I’ve posted several photos from Christmas morning and a few photos of various people lounging after the New Years Day party. Enjoy
Mustang Island State Park – November 2004
We decided to take a trip to the beach. Trusting that the weather in Texas is always warm, we set out for Port Aransas the second weekend of November. Our weather theory proved incorrect, and we had rain, wind and forty degree temperatures! We also had a great time relaxing together, playing games, walking on the beach and kicking back and taking it easy for a few days.
Kay’s Birthday – August 2004
Kay’s birthday was a piñata smashing success. Troy hosted a backyard birthday party in his new backyard, and Kay made a custom piñata (she bought two piñatas, removed the paper, attached the framework of one to the other, and covered the new piñata with new paper – thus yielding an effigy of the friendly worm character from Jim Henson’s “Labyrinth”) which we helped her destroy. A bunch of Kay and Aaron’s friends joined us for the celebration.
São Paulo, Brazil – July 2004
Sujata and I travelled to Brazil to train the employees in our São Paulo office. Our training class was fantastic; the room was great, the view was beautiful, and the trainees were charming, lovely, and smart. We did not have too much time for site seeing, but we did manage to eat at a churrascaria (yummy) and go shopping a couple of times. Our shopping trips were very different from each other: the first was to Xtra Hipermercado, the Brazilian equivilant of Target, and the second was to Embu das Artes, an outdoor market located about forty minutes from the part of São Paulo in which we were staying. We…
Cambridge, England – June 2004
After our sojourn in London, we set down to work in Cambridge, but you would never know that from the photos!
London, England – June 2004
Work required that I go to Cambridge, England for two weeks. I had never been to England before, so I decided to go early. My co-workers: Sujata, Jeannie, Katie, and Quinn had the same idea. We spent three days in London prior to beginning work in Cambridge. We took in the sights, ate lots of fish and chips, and a pint to wash it down. We had a fantastic time just being tourists!
Passover – April 2004
For several years Kat, Ross, LisaDiane, and I have celebrated passover together. Kat is a marvelous cook and she has always treated us to a lovely dinner at passover. This year Kat was working in El Paso and could not join us – so we had to make do on our own. We invited a larger group than usual, and everyone contributed to the evening. Kay (who joined us for passover for the first time last year) brought her friend Aaron. Troy, Christine, and Sujata all attended – and helped us cook. We had roast lamb, roast beef, charoset, broiled asparagus, palak paneer, boiled eggs, matzah balls, carrots, and potatoes.…