
  • Abroad,  Dallas,  Denton,  Friends and Family,  Laura and Jason,  Texas


    I dashed off to Dallas on Friday for the Society of Clinical Research Associates (SoCRA) Annual Conference, where I gave a presentation on Audit Readiness. The conference was really great, with many good speakers and interesting topics. I got to stay at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel, and had a room on the thirty-first floor! An added benefit of the trip to Dallas was getting to hang out with Laura and Jason the day after their return from Amsterdam. I drove up to Denton to see them. Naturally I asked to go to Sweetwater for ceviche, and Beth Marie’s for ice cream. Reading that sentence, it dawns on me that beer,…

  • Abroad,  Dallas,  Denton,  Friends and Family,  Laura and Jason,  Texas

    Opera in Dallas, A Weekend in Denton – May 2009

    Last Saturday LisaDiane and I loaded Ela into the car and made a road trip to Denton to visit Laura and Jason and to see Laura’s new opera in Dallas. Ela stayed with Laura and Jason, and was well behaved around the cats (although she did knock over that one flowerpot in the living room). We visited our favorite stops on the square – Beth Marie’s Ice Cream, Jupiter House Coffee, and Recycled Books – and added a new favorite stop: Laura’s new business, Massage on the Square. Laura and her partner Wendy have opened a very comfortable, beautifully appointed studio right next to Recycled Books. LisaDiane blogged about it…

  • Abroad,  Denton,  Friends and Family,  Laura and Jason,  Texas

    Massage on the Square

    You may or may not know that in addition to being an amazing opera singer, my sister Laura is a registered massage therapist (RMT) in Texas.  From the time she was a little kid she would volunteer to give people a neck rub, and everyone always said she did a great job.  She took her natural talent to the next level when she attended massage therapy school between her undergrad and graduate degrees.  She has been working as a massage therapist for about five years (I could be wrong here).  She does all kinds of massage from hot rock to deep tissue.  She is always looking to improve her technique…