All Saints'

Covenant Players

Joey and I had surprise guests this weekend.  Members of the Covenant Players came to All Saints’ to perform during our services and Sunday School hour.  Their planned accommodations fell through, and our Director of Religious education, Elizabeth, called Joey and me to find out if we could host the players, Chuck and Miranda.

We did have one problem.  For some reason, Saturday, 07 March 2009, was a very popular weekend.  Joey’s mom, Nancy, was in town, we had a TnT design team meeting, and we had to turn down invitations from two different sets of friends!  I called the Covenant Players and let them know they were welcome to stay with us, and invited them to our dinner at Lee and Billy’s house.  They agreed to join us.  The next day we discussed the fact that the invitation was a little nerve racking on both sides – adding two new people to a group that are very comfortable with each other can be tough.  Chuck and Miranda had no idea what we would think constituted a fun evening!  It worked out great!

The mission of the Covenant Players is to use drama to communicate the reality of the Gospel.  We enjoyed the performances that Chuck and Miranda gave during Sunday School.  They put on several short plays with just the two of them. They travel all over the country putting these performances on for churches and schools, and anyone else who invites them.  The Covenant Players group is actually really big, and it has been around for a long time.

I am grateful that Chuck and Miranda came to stay with us, and I appreciate being able to support their ministry.
